Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hello again, it's been a while..

Well as those who might be actually reading my blog (I'm still not sure if anyone is actually paying attention but that's fine maybe some day maybe...) I took a little blogging break. I've decided not to take a photo every day. It's just not really possible for me to really get as much from that project as I would want. I don't want to stress myself out running around my home to take a picture of a wine glass because that's all I can think of to take a picture that day. I think the 365 project should be a challenge, doing something different, trying something new, trying other styles... etc. With how much I work and with starting school again I don't really have the time to devote to daily photo assignments. So I want to try a more weekly photo project, Project52.

I am in the middle of reading The Fasttrack Photographer by Dane Sanders which I can't even begin to explain how inspiring and just amazing this book is! I can't wait for 2.0. A section in the book has a series of questions which I have found really soul searching and important. Part of being a photographer is selling yourself... well how do you do that if you don't really know who you are. I hadn't "checked in" with myself in a while, probably since high school and although that was just 5 years ago there is A LOT of changes between 17 and 22. Who is Laura Lynn Brooks? I am going to share some of the questions and my answers, maybe you will join me too.

Who am I?
I'm a lover, a dreamer and determined person. I love culture and art. I love people, the unique individuality in each person. I have passion and put my full heart in to everything I do. I love to listen and help people with their problems. I am a giver to the point where I am often taken advantage of but luckily that has never stopped me and hopefully never will from giving to other people. Giving helps fulfill me. I am a hard worker that goes with my determination.

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