Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Not a winner = Failure?

Today I applied for my third scholarship in the past few months. I have been amazed and encouraged by all the opportunities I have found lately. Like I said previously I am not going to give up, NEVER SAY DIE! But if I haven't won yet does that make me a failure? I like to think not, but I would be lying if a part of me didn't feel like a failure when I don't win.

This time I applied for the WPPI Hy Sheanin Memorial Scholarship. The Wedding & Portraiture Photographer International holds probably the largest convention in Las Vegas every March with lectures, classes, thousands of people and a trade show. I first found out about the convention from a wedding photography book I checked out in the library then as I started to blog stalk and follow other photographers on twitter I noticed that anyone who's anyone in the WHOLE wedding industry is attending WPPI conference. The memorial scholarship is only open to beginning photographers giving them like a VIP pass to the entire trade show and classes (many of which have already filled up during early registration), hotel and airfare for the entire week of the convention!!! I am determined to go to this convention regardless of winning a scholarship or not, because as I learned from the Photo Plus Expo even if I do not get the opportunity to attend some of the wonderful classes taught by some of the worlds most leading photographers even spending a day at the trade show is incredibly valuable! This is where I met Mera Koh and finally got to look, feel all the other parts that come with being a professional photographer besides just taking pictures.

Part of my application was to pick 10 photographs. This was actually not the hardest part. As you can probably see I do enjoy writing so writing a 50-100 words was more challenging than playing favorites!


  1. Laura, I think your photos are really great. They are very professional, I like your "eye". Good luck with each of your goals. And remember, keep trying!

  2. I applied for the scholarship too. I agree, choosing the pictures was not the hardest task.It was writing the 50-100 word essay! I had so much to say with so little space. Good luck to you =0)
