Sunday, January 3, 2010


Free will, there is a reason every one of us does what we do. But flashback to high school or college admissions applications where the question of why is often asked? Recently I was accepted to The Art Institute of Denver and I was asked why photography? Obviously someone willing to pay so much for a private education must have a want for that career, (the money is what stopped me from attending AI) so why do I want to be a photographer...

It was something I realized when I worked at the mall for a portrait studio, the way a photograph touches people. Anyone can take photographs but when you make a mother cry over the sigh of her newborn's first precious smile, that is why I am a photographer. When I can see the joy, love, excitement because of my photography it gives me goosebumps and I share in that joy. There is no greater feeling than to know you have given that to another person.

My task for today was to finally face head on how much a "real camera" cost. Currently I have a Canon Rebel which I've had for about three years. I thought it was just what I needed and that it was a professional camera, but after last year being turned down for jobs because my camera was not good enough (though being told my talent was) I decided it's time for an upgrade. What camera to buy? Stay with Canon? Nikon? What about Sony? What kind of lens, flashes? I started my search online because I always get intimidated talking to someone at a retail store. I don't want to make the mistake of buying a camera that will need to be updated in such a short time again. Although I still think that it is the talent that is most important, not a camera.. my camera is holding me back. Hopefully with my tax refund or money from going back to school I will have nothing holding me back.

Option 1:
Canon EOS 50D with 28-135mm lens - $1,199.99 refurbished/$1,418.73 new
28mm f1.8 wide angle lens - $489.99

Option 2:
Sony A550 with 18-55mm & 55-200mm lenses - $1,279.99/ SALE 1,049.99
28mm f/2.8 wide angle lens - $269.99
Flash - 299.99 or 499.99

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