Friday, January 1, 2010

Est. 2010


New Year's is one of my favorite holidays. It's not just the glam party scene with glitter and over flowing champagne that I love or even the fireworks that light up the sky at midnight (although I do love fireworks.. Independence Day being my second favorite holiday). What I love is that true meaning of New Year's, much like Christmas has a true meaning beyond the wrapping paper and debt. A New Year is fresh, a clean slate, a beginning, a new start. Today all over my facebook was status updates with a glow of a positive attitudes of overflowing optimism.

This year I don't really have a resolution because resolutions always seem to be broken or more of a fad. I have been struggling to well.. survive. My life is about work and not the kind of productive work that brings you success and a happy life but work that just pays the bills, just getting me by. I am not a minimum wage by the hour worker, I am a photographer.

Call this my "Julie and Julia" project, the 365 project, a dream, a goal, a journey, my job, my life. I started this whole blogging business a few months ago but now it's time to get serious. No more dream on the back burner! Every day (yes, 365 days) I will do something for my self as a photographer, to grow, to improve, to be successful. It may be a baby step, it may be a big step and this isn't a deadline of next year I will be some super-successful-bestintheworld-mega photographer. This is just the beginning, an establishment of 2010.


  1. So well said!! Good luck to you in 2010!!

    Nicky Peterson

  2. Good luck to you in the coming year! Can't wait to see you SOAR!!!!!

    Keep Clickin'


  3. Great attitude for the new year! May you continue to realize your goals and dreams!

